Friday 27 February 2009

Haunted Castle ACEO

Something I've recently discovered is a lot of fun to do, is paint in miniature. Well, I suppose they could be much smaller, but the particular miniatures I'm talking about are ACEO sized.

By definition, an ACEO (which stands for Art Card Editions and Originals), must measure 2.5 by 3.5 inches. No more, no less. There is little difference between an ACEO and an ATC (Artist's Trading Card) other than the fact that an ACEO may be sold, and an ATC must be either given away or swapped for another ATC. Just how you'd decide which was which if you came upon one by itself, all alone in a dark alley with no-one to vouch for it, I don't know. Maybe you'd just decide for yourself depending on whether you liked it or not. If it didn't appeal you could call it an ACEO and sell it on; if you wanted to keep it then it has to be an ATC which can't be sold. Maybe I'm missing the point and some kind soul will set me straight.

As I'm interested in the possibility of selling my artwork, I'm creating ACEOs and have started a 'spiderweb' series. This Haunted Castle is the first in the series. Anyone interested in buying? It's a snip at £4.99 post free in the UK. Drop me an email if you want it (de6sutton at googlemail dot com). Seriously. If you're outside the UK, I'll work out what the postage would be.

I'm not sure how many there will be in the series, or even if that's something I'm supposed to decide before I publicise them. Or, come to that, whether I'm supposed to have finished the series first. In any case, I've done none of those things. The series will run until I get fed up with it, and so far I've finished 3.

ACEO technicalities aside, suffice it to say it's giving me a great deal of fun and satisfaction to make these little pictures at the moment.

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